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Access Online

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What Is access online?

Access Online bridges systemic opportunity gaps by providing online college admission strategy coaching on demand.  

Access Online consists of 9 coaching course modules, 70+ mini lessons, 80+ individual video lessons, and over 40 hands-on practice guides and tools to empower high school students to develop a successful college admission and scholarship application strategy.

This is not a “check the box” style program, but rather, a culturally relevant and approachable format that is designed to reinforce the skills necessary to successfully navigate the college admissions process.

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Access changed my entire college application. I’ve done Access Online a minimum of three times in order to perfect my application and the process.
— Kenya Handfield, Spelman College, Morgan Stanley HBCU Scholar

the Problem

The nearly the $2 billion college admissions industry limits access to critical resources for students from disadvantaged backgrounds (lower-income, under-resourced, and/or first-generation). Barriers often include financial capacity to pay high cost private coaching program rates (up to $10,000 with average hourly rate of $200) and disproportionate attendance rates at schools with low student to counselor ratios. Additionally, most school districts across in the United States do not provide a comprehensive in-school curriculum for maximizing college access beyond free or subsidized SAT / ACT preparation or college admission compliance checklists.

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our Solution

Access Online leverages mindset coaching, interactive exercises, video-based instruction, and validated learning objectives that have resulted in a 100% college admissions and over 95% scholarship acquisition rate since 2014.

Past students have collectively won over $10 million in scholarships using the Access methods and materials. Access Online’s self-paced coaching modules covering the following topics:

6. Receive A Recommendation Letter That Shines

7. Performance Ready Personal Statement

8. Successfully Slay Your Interviews

9. Secure the Bag with Financial Aid 

1. Intro to Access Online: Level Up Together

2. Mindset Mastery

3. Reclaiming Your Time

4. Track Your Way to College Success

5. Build a Resume That Raves






