Travel Awakens Leaders

Our Work


The Big Idea

We believe travel awakens leaders. 

Nyah Project bridges systemic opportunity gaps through transformative leadership fellowships abroad and tech enabled college access strategy coaching for youth from underserved backgrounds.

100% of Nyah Fellows attend college and over 90% win scholarships — accumulating over $10 million in scholarships since 2014. 95% of our fellows attribute their Nyah Project resources as critical to their successful college matriculation and personal development.

Core Offerings

LEAD Workshop: a multi-day intensive introduction to the Nyah Project Experiential Leadership model available to up to 100 youth leaders annually and Is a component of our Fellowship selection process.

Global Leadership Fellowship: a 12 day experiential leadership fellowship abroad comprised of intercultural competence training, and in-country Masterclass, Impact Days, cultural immersion and Leadership Labs.

Access Coaching: college admissions and scholarship acquisition strategy coaching via the an online course platform (Access Online), monthly live coaching sessions and a fellows-only 10-week mastermind.

An Ecosystem of Support

Both during and following the fellowship experience, we continue to provide high-touch mentorship that is customized to meet individual goals, talents, and wrap around support for sustainable achievement in college access, obtaining professional opportunities and life skills.

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Our Pillars


Fellows set measurable goals and learn to inspire and guide others towards achieving them. Our fellows master the skills required collaborate, communicate, solve problems and resolve conflicts effectively. 


Fellows experience increased confidence as they learn how to demonstrate compassion toward others through experiential learning and service opportunities abroad. 


Fellows gain an expanded global network and greater appreciation for cultural differences and diversity. 


Fellows learn the importance of social responsibility and are empowered to become engaged social entrepreneurs and community leaders. 


The costs of each fellowship is underwritten entirely by generous supporters who, like us, believe travel is life changing and all deserve the opportunity to experience it.


of our fellows are accepted into college/university.

of our fellows are awarded academic or merit based scholarships.


We firmly believe that young minds are like parachutes.  
They only function when open to the world.

This is our journey.