Travel Awakens Leaders

Our Story

Our story


Nelson Mandela, Oprah Winfrey,  Mahatma Gandhi, Malala Yousafzai; name any inspiring figure... 

Young, experienced, historic, or present, they all have something in common.

All great leaders experience an inflection point.  A sink-or-swim moment that reveals our true character.  It’s these intervening circumstances that change the trajectory of success and lay foundation for what fuels our passion, our drive.

I believe travel is an inflection point.  

Travel awakens leaders.  

And, I believe that true purpose is best refined in the classroom of life and molded by experience in the world.

I founded the Nyah Project to make transformative experiences --rooted in travel-- accessible to all youth.  But beyond globe-trotting, our fellows learn by doing: from social entrepreneurship and human factor leadership to exploring new cultures.

Along with amazing partners like you, we invest in the success of youth who are at at-risk of not maximizing their amazing potential.  So far, the investment has paid off.  100% of our fellows are accepted into college or university and 90% of our fellows win academic or merit-based scholarships.

Life’s best journeys are not measured in miles traversed, but by memories woven through new connections to great people and places.  

Join us for the ride.

~Leigh-Ann A. Buchanan, Founder, Nyah Project