Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

Life on the Water

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The walls of the beachside pavilion seemed to glow under the sun’s bright rays, their calming white hue forming the frame through which the Nyah Fellows viewed the sea. The serenity surrounding us stood in stark contrast to the vigorous activity taking place a short way away from where we ate lunch in the shade. In long rows, teams of fishermen and women hauled one huge net across the sand and into the ocean. Smaller groups manned specific sections of the net, but all of the factions were in sync with one another as they attempted to snag their collective catch. The community worked as a unit to achieve their goals, and as we looked on, valuable leadership lessons began to surface.

Our cohort witnessed collaboration and communication in action. The fishermen’s cooperation exemplified how utilizing a solid network leads to greater success for the group as a whole. Team work makes the dream work!

~Ryan Rowe

FellowsNyah Project