Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

4: Waterstriders

Team Members: Susana L., Bradshyr M., Yasmin O., Briell R.

Impact Partner: Stella’s Child (Indonesia)

The Challenge: Waterstriders aims to help villages in Bali's Karangasem Regency access clean water via a long-term solution that will last after volunteers depart.

SDGs Addressed: (6) Clean Water & Sanitation

The Solution: The proposed solution is to improve the infrastructure of the villages. We want to work hand in hand with the villages and outside companies in order to provide them with local water, sanitation infrastructure and technical assistance. We want to implement an underground pipeline that will provide accessible water to the villages in Indonesia. The sewage system will benefit the village by supplying them with water that is within their reach. We will later develop a purification system that will facilitate the process of getting clean water.

The Reason: We want everyone to have safe, clean water. Water is the basic foundation of communities, and without it, people cannot fulfill their basic needs. The Karangasem Regency of Bali travels far to provide several villages with clean water and we want to see them strive. It’s absurd to think that we have all this technology, talents, and resources, but not enough people using them for good. As a result, we want to help fabricate a solution for supplying in-need communities with something as fundamental as a safe water supply