Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

Tribe Of Life | 2022 Impact Challenge

Tribe Of Life

Team Members: Victoria Bofill, Rachel Ulysse, Martina Alvarez, Chai A. Comrie

Impact Partner: Michelle McClean Children’s Trust (Namibia)

The Challenge: African species currently endangered and nearing extinction face poachers targeting these animals for money, medical, and religious beliefs.

SDGs Addressed: SDG 11: Sustainable Cities & Communities, SDG 15: Life On Land

The Solution: In an effort to reduce the influence of animal poaching on the environment, we must educate the younger generation of leaders on the importance of animal care and preservation, limit our attainment of animal products, and invest into organizations which have already taken the initiative of prohibiting this crime. In doing so, we aspire to open the eyes of our communities to realize the potentially irreversible detriments of our actions. It is our responsibility to nurture our only Earth by demonstrating our commitment. We hope to be one reason why there is still Life on Land.

The Reason: Our team saw the endangered African wildlife as a crucial problem in Namibia. The environment suffers from negligent people, who do not know what the removal of a species does to several ecosystems. Animal byproduct buyers and poachers are the main cause behind so many endangered animals. If we prioritize this problem, we improve animal species’ ability to thrive.

2022 GICNyah Project