Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

We "Sembuh" | 2022 Impact Challenge

We “Sembuh”

Team Members: Ce’Raeya Grier, Laudy Ruiz, Mia Handfield, Diego Julca, Elizabeth Yera

Impact Partner: Stella’s Child

The Challenge: Due to misinformation of western medicine and treatment as well as limited access to proper healthcare, Balinese people are struggling to endure diseases and illnesses.

SDGs Addressed: SDG 3: Good Health & Well-Being

The Solution: We've devised a solution with 3 parts that'll target different demographics present in Bali, Indonesia. For the younger generation, we propose to implement western medicine into their school curriculum which will have a long term effect on their future within their culture; this could be done by partnering with the ASEAN Foundation. To address older generations and children who have an inconsistent education, we would use media outlets and traditional Balinese art to relay information regarding western medicine. Lastly, we introduce the idea of a collaboration between organizations, like UNICEF and the Red Cross that are already present in Bali, and Balians and religious leaders. This collaboration would bridge the gap of trust between Balinese traditions and the adoption of western medicine.

The Reason: We chose this project because all of our group members identify as minorities and we have experienced first hand the distrust present in our communities about adapting the ideals of western medicine and the difficulty of accessing healthcare.

2022 GICNyah Project