Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

Words Of Wisdom


Good things come to those who wait, so imagine what awaited the Nyah Fellows’ arrival after a 3-hour bus ride! We were on our way to the home of Mrs. Adjibolosoo, a long-time resident of Keta, Ghana, who had a wealth of knowledge to share. As the rumble of the bus’s engine subsided, thirteen eager Fellows filed onto the sandy earth, led by Dr. Senyo Adjibolosoo.

Dr. Adjibolosoo is the creator of Human Factor Leadership and has been a staple in the Nyah Project experience since its inception. He brought us to his hometown to immerse us in the local experience, as well as the enriching lessons of his childhood. These lessons came from Senyo’s mother, who lived in Keta since the 1960’s, or the early days of the independent Ghanaian republic.

Her words of wisdom revolved around interactions with other people: Never seek to harm others, but don’t hesitate to protect yourself if someone continually tears you down. Fellow Jose Prieto made an interesting connection between the wisdom of Mrs. Adjibolosoo and the teachings of her son. “It’s like Dr. Senyo said,” he claims, “Be like water and only fight when it is necessary.” Our time with Mrs. Adjibolosoo imparted valuable, as well as thought-provoking, insight that has been passed down from generation to generation.

~Ryan Rowe