Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

Akwaaba Accra

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Our first steps on the African continent are surreal; from the red dirt under our shoes to the crispness of the air to the warm welcome we receive from locals at Kotoka International Airport.  We can't wait to get this adventure underway!

The traffic in Accra rivals afternoon traffic in Miami. It’s the only obstacle standing between us and the town of Akatsi—our home base for the duration of the fellowship program.

We arrived at The Time Tells Hotel, our home away from home for the next week, where we had our first of many traditional Ghanaian meals. On the way to dinner, the exuberant company of local children filled the hotel’s plaza with laughter, easy smiles, and a friendly game of soccer. We were gifted with lovingly made drawings before splitting up to explore our assigned rooms with fellow bunkmates.

As the sun set on the horizon, we made the transition from play to work with the commencement of the first leadership session. Through yoga, an overview of the Nyah Project principles of LIIP, and candid discussion amongst the fellows, our first night in the Time Tells promised to be as engaging as it was enjoyable.

~ Ryan Rowe