Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

1: Team Air

Team Members: Ashley A., Kayla C., Keily D., Belen R., Malik R.

Impact Partner: Stella’s Child (Indonesia)

The Challenge: Team Air aims to combat water accessibility and sanitation issues within Bali, Indonesia.

SDGs Addressed: (3) Good Health & Well-Being, (6) Clean Water & Sanitation, (15) Life on Land

The Solution: To solve water insecurity and sanitation issues, Team Air intends to create and disperse water filtration tanks across Bali, Indonesia. These tanks will enable the capture and storage of water from rain and sewage systems. The stored water will then go through a filter that consists of coal, sand, rock, and cloth, which are natural resources that are readily available across the region. The treated water would then be boiled, to ensure its sanitation for consumption by community members. In this way, we will ensure that water insecurity no longer prevents communities like the village of Ban from prospering.

The Reason: Team Air selected this project because we believe every community deserves access to basic necessities like water. We believe partnering with Stella’s Child is the perfect opportunity to use our means and privilege to help disadvantaged communities in Bali, Indonesia. Water is an essential factor that should be provided in the life of any human being at any given time. Without access to sanitary water, there is less productivity and a hindered quality of life. The people of Bali, Indonesia are lacking a major component to sustain their livelihood. Thus, it is our job as Team Air to offer solvency.