Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

6: The Roots Academy

Team Members: Sophonie J., Tyler M., Alexa M., Nicole T., Rhobie T.

Impact Partner: Human Factor Leadership Academy (Ghana)

The Challenge: There are not enough Type 1 Leaders (leaders who are selfless, caring, effective, and have the people’s best interest at heart) in Africa and the world right now. This is limiting our ability to thrive as a global society. Future leaders are needed to promote a peaceful and inclusive, justice-filled society, in which they would help attain and sustain a better quality of life for ALL humanity.

SDGs Addressed: (16) Peace, Justice, & Strong Institutions

The Solution: We aim to help spread awareness about the non-profit organization, the International Institute for Human Factor Development, to get more people to invest in this cause, whether through monetary donations or volunteer actions. The Human Factor Leadership Academy is under the Institute, therefore, getting more people involved and invested can help the model expand internationally.

The Reason: We chose this challenge because building Type 1 leaders is the first step to a variety of places in Africa, like Ghana, thriving. The model can be used internationally, allowing other countries to have Type 1 leaders, referred to as selfless, filled with integrity, wanting the best for people, and more. To add on, it is likely that different issues such as the environment, healthcare, and gender gaps, will be addressed because of mindful leaders that want the best for the people and the countries they are leading.