Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

7: Independence Initiative

Team Members: Rose F., Eva G., Delanie M., Naveen S.

Impact Partner: Human Factor Leadership Academy (Ghana)

The Challenge: The Independence Initiative aims to develop Human Factor-based vocational training for youth in Akatsi, Ghana, that answers local needs for skilled labour in a variety of fields.

SDGs Addressed: (4) Quality Education, (8) Decent Work & Economic Growth

The Solution: Our goal is to empower the youth of Akatsi to break the cycle of poverty by offering small business partnerships and apprenticeship programs, leading to greater investment in self-sufficiency through community cooperation. We want to organize a job fair in which various small businesses will be able to display and inspire the youth to take up an apprenticeship as part of vocational training. We also wish to provide a business building and finance program for those students attending the apprenticeships, to be able to learn skills in order to run a successful business of their own.

The Reason: The Independence Initiative chose this challenge because it nurtures future leaders in their community by fostering principle-centered moral character and skills. This program provides the youth with tangible work skills that encourages financial and social independence to ultimately improve the socioeconomic conditions of their environment.