Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

9: WaterforIndo

Team Members: Tasfia H., Dadly L., Jaylen M.

Impact Partner: Stella’s Child (Indonesia)

The Challenge: WaterforIndo aims to combat clean water accessibility in Indonesia. Lack of water leads to a domino of issues for the youth present in these communities.

SDGs Addressed: (6) Clean Water & Sanitation

The Solution: The lack of clean water in Indonesia poses a threat to the health and safety of the individuals present in the Village of Ban and many others. Thirst Project and Blue Missions are both two non-profit organizations which strive to provide clean and fresh drinking water to those who are unable to receive. Specifically through Thirst Project, you can provide the village with a well from which they can receive water from. Building a well varies from $10,000-$12,000 raised by the group through fundraising. Alongside this, if their landscape doesn’t allow for wells, they also provide trustworthy filtration systems. Blue Missions also coincides with similar solutions. Our group aims to work alongside one of these organizations to aid this village and help save children.

The Reason: As a group, we realized that the lack of water leads to a train of problems. Kids our age don’t receive an education but rather spend hours walking miles to carry gallons of water when they should be learning. To add on, dirty water also causes health problems. There are many adolescents and older people who die due to the consumption of dirty, unhealthy water which can lead to health problems such as cholera, diarrhea, and hepatitis. Hence, we chose this to address this challenge for Stella’s Child.