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Nyah Project Blog

NBC 6 Voices with Jawan Strader features Nyah Project

Nyah Project was featured in Miami’s NBC 6 Voices with Jawan Strader. 2020 Nyah Project Fellow, Kenya Handfield, and 2018 Nyah Project Fellow, David Barbier, joined Nyah Project founder and Nyah Project Founder/Board Chair, Leigh-Ann Buchanan for the deep dive interview.

This in depth profile of Nyah Project’s work to bridge systemic opportunity gaps through transformative leadership fellowships abroad and tech enabled college access strategy coaching for youth from underserved backgrounds aired in two parts.

In conversation with Emmy award winning journalist, Jawan Strader, both Nyah Project fellows spoke fondly of their international leadership training experiences in Ghana and Indonesia. Kenya—who attends Spelman College as a Morgan Stanley HBCU Scholar and won over $500,000 in scholarships, as well as David—who attends Syracuse University as a Posse Foundation Scholar and won over $280,000 in scholarships, both shared the personal impact of the support they received to navigate the college admission process through Nyah Project’s Access Online, an EdTech platform that provides on-demand, college strategy coaching.

Later, Leigh-Ann shared the story behind the organization’s decision to venture into the technology space with the launch of Access Online, which leverages content that has resulted in a 100% college acceptance rate, 95% scholarship acquisition rate, and over $10 million in scholarships awarded to South Florida students from at-risk communities over the past seven years.

Verizon is funding a 12 month pilot to expand Access Online throughout South Florida by making the platform available to youth service providers (school districts, non profit organizations, charter and private schools) through partnerships with Nyah Project.

Access Online is available for individuals and organizations alike. Learn more at: