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Nyah Project Blog

Heavyn Lee Wins Over $1MN in Scholarships, Now Harvard Bound


2019 Nyah Project Fellow, Heavyn Lee, nominated by youth opportunity partner, Breakthrough Miami won over $1 million in collage scholarship awards.

The Miami Herald recently profiled Heavyn’s story of perseverance and dedication. Notably, Heavyn won a four-year full scholarship to Harvard University, “one of only two students in Beach High’s graduating class of 518 to do so, graduating in the top 1 percent of her class

Heavyn credits Nyah Project Fellowship experience and Access college strategy coaching as contributing factors to this achievement: “my entire essay for Harvard and Princeton consisted of my Nyah Project fellowship experience climbing Mount Batur in Bali, Indonesia. I have also used my personal statement developed during Access Coaching for numerous scholarships. Access Coaching was able to keep me on track and led to unbelievable results.”

Heavyn was named a Gates Scholar, a prestigious full cost-of-attendance scholarship awarded only to 300 high school seniors across the U.S., with the winning candidates demonstrating academic excellence, leadership ability and “exceptional personal success skills,”