Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

2020: How This Six Month Decade Offers A Unique Opportunity for Radical Change

We’re halfway through 2020. Though, I don’t know about you, but for me, it feels like we’ve experienced a decade in a few short months. From a global pandemic, rapid shifts in how we interact with others, an economic downturn and loss in so many forms---this year is truly one for the books.

In our Spring 2020 update, learn more what this season means for Nyah Project, how we’re accelerating the momentum created by our amazing fellows and why our vision for radically changing the landscape of leadership is steadily gaining traction.

Thank you for your continued support and investment in Nyah Project.  We need you now more than ever.

Reaffirming Our Why

In this unique moment,  Nyah Fellows are grieving the loss of the innocence, coming of age rituals like graduation, prom and the closure they bring to a critical life chapter. While others are coming to terms with navigating a societal culture where the odds are stacked against their favor.

Amidst the national outcry in support of Black lives and racial and ethnic justice more broadly, let me be clear: Nyah Project would serve no purpose if we lived in a world devoid of systemic racism, racial indifference and inequality of opportunity .

The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights reports African American and Latino students are underrepresented in programs that purposefully develop higher-order or accelerated skills. 

Moreover, research confirms that students who participate in well-designed experiential learning programs enroll in college at higher rates, are more prepared for college coursework, and experience higher wages and greater employment stability. 1  

Additionally, leadership is chief among the skills developed through international experiential learning.  Not only is leadership a sought-after skill for professional environments, but universities now place greater emphasis on leadership in the admissions process and exposure to leadership development opportunities significantly increases future earning potential.2 

To that end, we recognize that there are significant disparities in access to culturally relevant, travel based global competence training, and purpose-inspired leadership experiences for high potential, low income students of color. 

We are here to support all Nyah Fellows and are doubling-down on our investment in their potential for success. 

How We Pivot

Nyah Project has always provided our fellows with high-touch mentorship and opportunity driven support.  We’re taking this summer -at- home to refine our how.  This means formalizing our alumni engagement offerings, pivoting our ACCESS college coaching to virtual model and strengthening the organizational infrastructure to  best meet individual needs, cultivate talent, and help each fellow realize their personal goals for purposeful impact.

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 Notably, we’re also taking advantage of this great pause to tap into our network of leaders who are providing bi-monthly virtual masterclasses for interactive and real-world skills, including:

Plus a jam-packed summer line up to come! If you’re interested in learning more about Masterclasses, connect with us. 

Who Is On Our Brag List

11 Nyah Fellows will graduate this June.  And, we could not be more proud. We’re excited about this cohort’s record of achievement and college plans. 


So here are a few quick facts about our 2020 graduates:

  • collectively won over $3 million in scholarship dollars

  • 100% were accepted in college or university

  • 100% won academic or merit based scholarships

  • 92% attribute their Nyah Project Fellowship as critical to their successful college matriculation

The Class of 2020 is truly a testament to and validation of Nyah Project ACCESS --- the individual and group based college strategy coaching we provide to all fellows.   Learn more about our 2020 graduates.

 When Plans Shift

Though we won’t travel to Rwanda until 2021, we celebrate the 12 young leaders who comprise the 2020 Nyah Project Fellow cohort.

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They were selected from over 100 applicants and a rigorous, multi-stage application and review process. The 2020 Nyah Fellows embody drive, an impact mindset, existing leadership capacity, articulable values, a record of civic engagement and cohort fit. Meet the 2020 Nyah Fellows and watch the recap video to see their surprised reactions.

What’s Next ?

Our supporters and many inquisitive minds continue to ask: what’s next?  Since 2014, Nyah Project has continued to evolve -- from our theory of change, to formalizing our identity as a leadership fellowship, to surviving all these years as a 100% volunteer led effort.

Now, we find ourselves at an inflection point.  We’re exploring what our impact can be at full operational capacity-- with full time staff, catalytic growth funding, and building innovative concepts for sustainable social enterprise models. We have a bold vision to expand Nyah Project’s impact nationally -- to more cities where talented youth of colour need this transformative leadership experience through training and travel abroad.


So here goes: we envision that over the next five years, Nyah Project will operate in 10 markets, and each year, train 2000 youth leaders, and support 120 fellows.  If this vision for growth resonates with you, get it touch to learn more.



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Founder, Nyah Project