Travel Awakens Leaders

Nyah Project Blog

Don't Go Chasing Waterfalls

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12 fellows. 9 bridges. 2 waterfalls. 1 sign: Wli is Beautiful. Are you a friend or a foe to the environment?

The Wli falls are the highest waterfalls in Ghana. We walked over 9 bridges in Agumatsa wildlife sanctuary to visit the lower fall. Ironically, on our way to the falls, the rainforest decided to live up to its namesake! We were caught in a downpour and had to rush to the shelter by the waterfall as we were pelted from above by water droplets. Our soaked clothes and bags were forgotten as soon as Wli came into view. Everyone rushed into the water, the cool spray splashing against our faces, our laughs and cheers lost to the roaring cascade of Wli.

The waterfall’s majesty was reminiscent of a topic the Fellows previously discussed. In a leadership session, we bounced around the idea of only being able to give (whether its time, effort, etc) from the overflow, or the extra energy we have. In a way, people are like waterfalls. Although we may want to take on the world with the best of intentions, we need to make sure that while we are giving of ourselves we are still taking care of ourselves. A waterfall like Wli is a perfect example of giving from the overflow. Water continually goes over the falls, but more is always there to replace it. Just as Wli was refreshing to the Fellows, leaders need to replenish themselves too. You can’t pour from an empty cup, but because of the lesson learned at Wli falls, the 2018 Fellows are ready to give their best efforts while maintaining a full heart of love.